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About the project

Hello, my name is Taylor! I am a student at Kansas State University. This website was created as the final project for my English class. This class dives deep into the hidden meaning and analysis of many spy and espionage themed literature and film. For my final project, I wanted to create a Digital Humanities piece to showcase the knowledge I have gained throughout this course. This course has truly changed my perspective when approaching a film and how I perceive it. I am not a professional film critic (yet), however, I feel I have gained many skills to aid me in the way I view movies and to show enjoy the in the ways they were made to be seen. These same skills apply to the literature we read as well, however I feel the films we viewed are best represented in a digital format.

A Top Ten Ranking of Hitcock's Films

1. Notorious (1946)

2. Vertigo (1958)

3. Psycho (1960)

4. North by Northwest (1959)

5. Rear Window (1954)

6. Strangers on a Train (1951)

7. Shadow of a Doubt (1943)

8. The Lady Vanishes (1938)

9. The 39 Steps (1935)

10. The Birds (1960)

Source of ranking: Murrian, Samuel R. “10 Best Alfred Hitchcock Movies, Ranked.” Parade, 21 Oct. 2019,   

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